Program Goals
Bring state-of-the-art knowledge to the endocrinologists of the future.
Conduct exclusive case based interactive clinical discussions.
Deliver hands-on experience on insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors and hybrid closed-loop system.
Provide updates of new developments in diabetes care.
Create a friendly environment for fellows to interact with faculty members.
Produce networking opportunities with the leaders in the field of diabetes.
Program Overview
Analysis of rising epidemic of diabetes.
Practical approach to type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
New insulins and their clinical use.
Pump start, transition from pump to MDI or MDI to pump.
Initiation of diabetes technologies.
Hybrid closed-loop technologies.
Hands-on experience with different pumps, CGMs, and hybrid closed-loop.
Using diabetes technologies in daily diabetes care.
Interpretation of different pump and CGM downloads.
Diabetes complications and long-term follow up.
Management of diabetes in pregnancy.
Management of diabetes in inpatient care.
Case examples for diabetes management.
Board style diabetes case questions and discussion.
Industry support is conducted through the University of Colorado, given as an educational grant. Supporters have no effect on program content; no vendors, promotional material, advertisements, or company representatives are allowed at the conference.
Thank you to our grantors, listed below, for supporting our program and supplying diabetes technologies (pumps and CGMs) for hands-on workshop experience.
Diabetes Dialog Sponsors